Saturday, May 31, 2008

Forest of Illusions First Podcast Overview

Alright folks, so today me (RiKZor a.k.a. Eric) and my friends, who may also blog on this, made our first podcast. It started out in Shawn(a.k.a. Rastardran)'s pad and we downloaded Audacity to use to edit and record our podcast. We plugged in Noah(gta_bandit)'s microphone and cracked open a couple of energy drinks. In our first podcast we reviewed (haha...) 3 different energy drinks. All of us except Jameson( a.k.a RevolutionLink) took part. Jameson refrained from our reviewing, and probably will until January 1st 2009 due to a resolution that he is determined to keep. We tried 3 drinks: XENergy Big Apple Flavour (with spinach extract... which we didn't know until after drinking haha), Beaver Buzz Black Currant Energy, which tasted like "Ass", "Wine", etc. The first smell was almost overwhelming. The third drink was ... this pink stuff... I will get back to you with the title of it later, but... right now I seem to forget... anyways it was grapefruit flavoured, and had a kiss on it... on a pink can... it was a girly energy drink I guess? Anyways, it was alright, but I don't think I would get it ever again...
Moving on...
We then talked about games comming out in the future, and games we were looking forward to. I am not quite looking forward to anything, but I guess I could say Guitar Hero: World Tour (IV) and possibly Ninja Gaiden.
Anyways, tune in to our podcast, which we will hopefully get up and running soon, and possibly do weekly or bi-weekly... until then you may email us at for any questions you'd like us to answer or ask of our opinions. Please make it either video game or energy drink related.


Welcom to the Forest of Illusions

So welcome to the Forest of Illusions. A few of us will be posting on this page giving our opinions on video games in general. Every once in a while we'll upload a podcast with the first one coming up shortly as well as reviews which will follow a ten point scale. As always comments are greatly appreciated.