The idea of 3 types of cars is very cool. Players choose from either Speed, Stunt, or Aggression type. Each type has different rules and priorities for earning boost. This can really help to decide which kind of car you'll use in event, though you really could do a race with an aggression type if you wanted.
I really felt that this game could've used some better music, as the soundtrack is pretty tasteless.
Sometimes you really do wish there was a menu, as some races may become difficult. You may find yourself doing a long race, lose, and then have to drive all the way back to the event to retry it.
I am actually a little disappointed in the crashes in this game though, as they are fast, vicious, and the damage effects leave your car with the imprint of that wall you just smashed into, but, I liked it better in say, Burnout 3, when your opponents would fly up as high as a 25 story building. Sometimes the crashes occur too easily and it leaves you frustrated
The speed in this game is very fast, probably the fastest game I've ever played, and yes F-Zero, that includes you too.
You'll lose yourself for hours in this gigantic city, finding races, and enemy racers you can smash and take their ride. I found that i had beaten the game, technically, but after the game was finished, there were still around 100 races I hadn't completed. You only need somewhere in the range of 60 races. I also still have about 7 or 8 cars left to unlock. There are also all the jumps I need to complete, the Smashes left, and the numerous Billboard you get a kick out of diving through.
Overall I gave this game about an 8/10 because, it has impressive visuals, and a vast open city with many races, but i was disappointed in the soundtrack, lack of being able to restart a mission/ quit a current one, and the crashes didn't seem worth it
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