10. Burnout Paradise
9. Prince of Persia
8. No More Heroes
7. Resistance 2
6. Dead Space
5. Rock Band 2
4. Little Big Planet
3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
2. Grand Theft Auto 4
1. Metal Gear Solid 4
Top Ten Albums of 2008
10. The Raveonettes (Lust, Lust, Lust)
9. TV on the Radio (Dear Science)
8. MGMT (Oracular Spectacular)
7. The Ting Tings (We Started Nothing)
6. The Raconteurs (Consolers of the Lonely)
5. Weezer (Weezer)
4. The Killers (Day and Age)
3. Guns N Roses (Chinese Democracy)
2. Kings of Leon (Only by the Night)
1. Coldplay (Viva la Vida)
Best Film of 2008
The Dark Knight

Top Ten Albums of 2008
10. The Raveonettes (Lust, Lust, Lust)
9. TV on the Radio (Dear Science)
8. MGMT (Oracular Spectacular)
7. The Ting Tings (We Started Nothing)
6. The Raconteurs (Consolers of the Lonely)
5. Weezer (Weezer)
4. The Killers (Day and Age)
3. Guns N Roses (Chinese Democracy)
2. Kings of Leon (Only by the Night)
1. Coldplay (Viva la Vida)
Best Film of 2008
The Dark Knight