1. Brand New Eyes, Paramore.
2. Cosmic Egg, Wolfmother.
3. Backspacer, Pearl Jam.
4. Vancouver, Matthew Good.
5. Throwing Bricks Instead of Kisses, Inward Eye.
6. Fantasies, Metric.
7. Black Gives Way to Blue, Alice in Chains.
8. Its Blitz!, Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
9. The Resistance, Muse.
10. Incredibad, The Lonely Island.
2009 in Film.
1. Star Trek.
2. District 9.
3. Inglorious Bastards.
4. The Hangover.
5. The Hurt Locker.
6. Observe and Report.
7. Zombieland.
8. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
9. Law Abiding Citizen.
10. Watchmen.
2009 in Gaming.
1. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

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