Friday, January 23, 2009

New member...

Hey everyone, some of you may have never seen me here, i'm new. My names Matt(aka blendermf or on xbl, blendermfskate). I am also a friend of everyone here, and joined to work on the design of the blog, and post when I feel like it.

Anyways I may post review sometime soon, probably of Skate 2. (yes Rikzor it counts as a real game), but first I have to get my stupid xbox back from microsoft, that they sent to someone in mississauga with my name. Now I have to wait for them to finish investigating and its taking forever.

Maybe I should say a bit about my interests in gaming. First of all I like to program and work on games. I keep fairly up to date in the game development scene, and like creating my own games. I am also really into free and open source things, including games. I am not in to fps games as much as everyone else here, but enjoy rythm games, some sports games, racing games, action games, and the occasional shooter (but mainly on the PC(I like the mouse better(maybe I should stop nesting brackets(okay i'll stop now))). With that in mind that will be what I mainly post about, and general gaming of course. Look out for more blogging from the crew soon.


oldmanknoops said...

Hey matt whay can't i introduce myself like that

BlenderMF said...

um, you can thomas, I asked you to